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Apply/Nominate okee

Application & Nomination

Please complete one of the forms below to apply or nominate someone for a Life Under the Wheel Festival Grant.  Our goal is to provide our festival grant recipients with an inspiring adventure filled with music, love, and community! The first Festival Grant of 2018 will take place at Okeechobee Music & Arts Festival in Okeechobee, Florida. This four-day, 100+ artist, 5-stage festival will take place from March 1st to March 4th on over 600 acres of beautiful land in central Florida. For more information about eligibility and festival grant details, please visit our Festival Grant Info page.

After you complete the appropriate form you will be provided with a link to download the medical diagnosis verification form.  Please have your treating physician complete the form and email it to us. Applications are not complete until this form has been received.