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Life Under The Wheel is a remarkable and extraordinary organization whose mission is to send people with life-threatening illnesses to music festivals across the country. They are still pretty new, with the discussion between the co-founders (Eli Pikaart and Evan Gross) stemming from a jolt in the night idea just 2 years ago, with the ball finally rolling just over a year ago...

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Our 10 Favorite Music-Related Charities Changing the World Right Now

This is a really unique one that pairs those with a life-threatening illness with an unforgettable festival experience. Believing that festivals attract a unique kind of community spirit and bring together new experiences with new friends...

Jason Egli chosen for Music Festival VIP access

OKEECHOBEE — Life Under the Wheel (LUTW), a non-profit based in Connecticut, has awarded one of its festival grants to Okeechobee native Jason Egli...

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Catching Up With Festival Wish-Granter Life Under the Wheel

Music possesses an unparalleled power to comfort. An image can assure, a lyric can console. A fleeting moment of recognition can endure. Art can help those facing challenges attain a new balance of hope and empowerment...

Music Hath Charms: Life Under the Wheel sends people facing death to music festivals

Bathed in blue light, eyes closed, a smile on his face, Calvin Huang bobs his head up and down and dances as he grooves to the music.

He’s standing in a crowd at Life Is Beautiful, a three-day music festival in Las Vegas that featured Chance the Rapper, Muse, Lorde, Wiz Khalifa and Gorillaz...

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Building a Non-Profit in the Festival Industry

Evan Gross, our Executive Director, was interviewed by Lennd for their blog. He talked about his career in the music festival community, the inception of Life Under the Wheel, and our future (you can even find out what kind of festival equipment he would be). 

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Interview with Life Under the Wheel

Director of Operations, Elizabeth Pikaart, sat down with our Industry Partner, Donately, to talk all things LUTW: our inspiration/beginnings, our first Festival Grant, and where we are headed. 


6 Hidden Gems Not to Miss at Life is Beautiful

Our onsite booth at Life is Beautiful was featured as one of the top six attractions not to miss at the festival this year. Thank you Las Vegas Review-Journal for including us. Please follow the link to read the full article. 

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Enter to Win Ticket's to Life is Beautiful Music & Art Festival 2017

Life Under the Wheel (in partnership with the Life is Beautiful Music & Art Festival) is giving away two (2) tickets to Life is Beautiful Music & Art Festival 2017 in Las Vegas this September! This incredible festival brings people from all over the country to the heart of Downtown Las Vegas to enjoy a three-day, multi-sensory experience. 

The Festival Wish Grants Arrives

On August 2, Life Is Beautiful Music & Art Festival officially announced its partnership with festival wish grant organization Life Under the Wheel. A nonprofit, LUTW is now accepting applications for an individual living with a life-threatening illness to be awarded the opportunity to attend this year's festival September 22–24.

Welcome to Life Under the Wheel

Founded in 2017, Life Under the Wheel (LUTW) is an emerging nonprofit focused on sharing the joys of the music festival experience with music lovers living with life-threatening illnesses.

At Life Under the Wheel, they believe that music festivals create communities bound together by a passion for music and a love of sharing that experience with others.  Their mission is to provide individuals living with a life-threatening illness the opportunity to receive all of the richness of the music festival experience.