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Festival Grant Info

At Life Under the Wheel we want to share the magic and richness of the music festival experience with music lovers who are living with a life-threatening illness. Find out more about our non profit and Festival Grant program here. 

Festival Grant

At Life Under the Wheel we want to share the magic and richness of the music festival experience with music lovers who are living with a life-threatening illness. We hope to provide these individuals with an extraordinary journey filled with community, joy, positivity, and long-lasting memories. We welcome music lovers living with a life-threatening illness to submit an application here. We also invite friends, family, social workers, healthcare professionals, and community organizations to nominate individuals they believe would benefit from our program.  You can submit a nomination form here.


How does the Life Under the Wheel experience work?

Once a festival grant recipient is selected, they will be assigned a project manager who will work with them through the duration of their experience. Life Under the Wheel staff will also work with the festival grant recipient’s doctor(s) to determine how to ensure that they are able to have an amazing experience while still being safe and conscious of their illness.  The Life Under the Wheel festival grant includes:

  • Two (2) tickets to the festival
  • Travel expenses (both to and from the event)
  • Appropriate accommodations for the grant recipient and one companion (or caregiver)  
  • A dedicated Life Under the Wheel concierge who will provide logistical support and serve as a resource for any needs that might arise while attending the event.

Who is Eligible?

In order to be eligible to receive a festival grant, the music lover must:

  • Be 18 years or older
  • Be diagnosed with a life-threatening illness
  • Be a legal resident of the United States of America
  • Not have received, or be in the process of receiving a wish grant from another organization


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The Benefits

  • The opportunity to make lifelong memories filled with music, love, and community
  • A respite from a life-threatening diagnosis through the invigorating powers of music
  • Be a part of a community where acceptance and unity are an unspoken rule
  • A chance to experience the surprising kindness and generosity of strangers

We invite you to read through the stories from festival patrons, festival professionals and our previous festival grant recipients to better understand the positive, uniting and magical experience that festivals all over the country have to offer.