Fundraiser Ideas
Fundraiser Ideas
Host a concert, heck hold your own music festival!
The-___-Thons: Bowl, walk, run, bike, dance, yoga, and so on. Again remember incorporating another passion or hobby will make it all the more fun
Our Executive Director Evan LOVES Bingo, hold a community bingo tournament and he might just show up!
Auctions: Donated goods, art, handmade products, hotel stays etc. Ask businesses in your community to donate goods and services for a silent auction. Or make it a little saucier and turn it into a date auction!
Good Old Fashion Bake Sale
Organize a carnival with your very own Ferris Wheel, maybe even a dunk tank.
Birthday Parties or Personal Celebrations. Instead of asking for gifts you can ask for your loved ones to make donations to Life Under the Wheel in your name.
Car Washes
Garage and Yard Sales
Holiday Parties: A haunted house, Easter Egg hunt, meet & greet with Santa, etc.
Denim Friday – Companies allow employees to dress casually for a day in exchange for a $5 donation.
Polar Bear Plunge
There are so many options! Get creative and have a good time.