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Host a Fundraiser Alt

Host a Fundraiser 

The community and bonds that are formed at a festival is one of the things that really make it unique. We hope that through out online presence, onsite fundraising and local events. This is where you come in! We would love your help in creating lively, interactive local fundraisers across the country to raise awareness and funds for our cause. It doesn't matter if you want to organize a small brunch with your family or go all out and invite your entire town, we are looking to create a unique community who shares our passion for helping music lovers who need it the most!

Now let's get started planning your fundraiser!

Planning a fundraiser should be like planning a fun day with friends. We want you to enjoy the processes and have a good time! That being said make it your own and for you to use your other passions to create an amazing event! We all need help sometime starting out so we have created a list of ideas that we hope will inspire you! 

Once you have decided what your fundraiser will look like tell us about your idea! First of all we want to be able to help you in anyway we can and second all fundraisers must be pre approved by our team. You can submit a Fundraiser Agreement form here and we promise to respond as quickly as possible. 

Here is a little outline of what the fundraising process looks like: 

  1. Choose a theme, time, date, and location. Make sure you give yourself enough time to plan your fundraiser, we suggest giving yourself at least a month to prepare for the event. 
  2. Submit the Fundraiser Agreement to Life Under the Wheel. As mentioned above all fundraisers must be approved by our team and we want to make sure your event is as successful as possible by answering any questions you may have. 
  3. Get down to business. Start sending out those invitations and getting your community excited about the event! 
  4. Let us know if you will need any brochures, banners, or other promotional materials to make your fundraiser a success. We will do our best to accommodate. 
  5. On the day of the event make sure you have plenty of help and clear goals/to do list set out to make the most of your fundraiser. 
  6. HAVE SOME FUN! This is meant to not only be a fundraiser but also an enjoyable experience to create our own Life Under the Wheel Community. Make sure you and your guests have a good time enjoying your event and it will be a success. 

If you have any questions or concerns please email us and we can help you through the process of creating your own fundraiser or connect you with others in your area who are also looking to get more involved!